Tuesday 16 April 2013

Home Remedies For Thick Glowing Hair That Are Simple to Use and Safe

Thick and glowing hair is a symbol of beauty and everybody wants to have it. To most people it may seem like a difficult task to achieve but there are several natural home remedies for thick glowing hair which are quite easy and have proven to be effective in many cases. Thick Glowing Hair Home Remedies There are different home remedies for thick glowing hair which are very effective and are really safe to use with no side effects. Some of the most popular home remedies for thick glowing hair which use natural substances to give thick and glowing hair are: 1. One of the simplest home remedies for thick shiny hair is to consume foods rich in vitamin A, B, C and E. Cheese, milk and butter are the rich source of vitamin A. Bananas, potatoes, asparagus, spinach and broccoli are rich source of vitamin B. Kiwi fruits, oranges, mangoes and strawberries are rich source of vitamin C. Nuts, avocado, blackberries and whole grain products are rich source of vitamin E. 2. Olive oil is also considered to be one of the most effective natural remedies for thick shiny hair. Olive oil helps in removing excess sebum, unwanted dirt and debris. Just before going to bed all you need to do is take some olive oil and massage it on your scalp for almost three minutes. Next morning use a mild shampoo to wash your hair. 3. Every day drink at least eight to twelve glasses of water. This will help in keeping your skin hydrated. 4. Take some fresh gooseberry juice and mix it in coconut oil. Now boil this mixture properly and then allow it to cool. Use this mixture to massage your hair. 5. Take ten tablespoons of avocado oil and mix it with one tablespoon of patchouli. Now stir the ingredients well and preserve it in a bottle. Massage your scalp with this mixture and wait for twenty minutes. Later wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. You can use this mixture on daily basis. 6. Take three parts of sweet almond oil and one and half part of lavender oil. Mix them well and apply this mixture to your scalp. 7. Flax seed is also very beneficial in achieving thick and glowing hair. All you need to do is take some water in a container and soak some of these flax seeds in it. Leave it there for five days. Take a cotton ball and soak it in this mixture. Now you can apply this soaked cotton ball directly to the hair and the scalp. 8. Take ten tablespoons of sesame oil in a container and then add one tablespoon each of rosemary oil and germanium essential oil. Mix them well and later massage your scalp and hair with this mixture. Wait for thirty minutes and then rinse your hair with a shampoo. Store the remaining mixture and use it on regular basis. The above mentioned natural remedies for thick glowing hair are some of the most popular home remedies for thick glowing hair. These home remedies are simple to use and are cost-effective. Read about Home Remedies for Thick Glowing Hair. Also know Home Remedies for Strep Throat.

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