Tuesday 16 April 2013

Home Remedies For Skin Irritation That Are Simple to Use and Safe

Skin irritation is the reaction of the skin to irritants and allergens which can harm the skin. Symptoms of skin irritation may include blisters and rashes. There are several factors which can cause skin problem such as exposure to the chemical, plants and low humidity environment. Home Remedies There are several home remedies for skin irritation which are simple to follow and easy to use. Some of the popular home remedies for skin irritation are: 1. One of the effective home remedies for skin problem is the use of nettle. Nettle is an anti-allergic herb which is known to have anti-histamine property. All you need to do is consume nettle tea in order to get relief from the symptoms of skin irritation. 2. Cold compress is considered to be one of the most efficient home remedies for skin irritation. Just apply cold compress on the affected area or you can even try using cold water to reduce the inflammation and get relief from the symptoms. 3. Take a cup of oatmeal and eight ounces of evaporated milk. Now add them in a tub filled with lukewarm water. Now soak your body in this water for half an hour and later rinse your body with cool water. This home remedy is very effective in treating poison sumac, skin inflammation, eczema and psoriasis. 4. If you get in contact with something which you know to trigger allergy in you. Then best way to prevent the allergy from happening is to wash the affected area with water and soap. This will help in washing away most of the harmful particles which can later cause skin irritation. 5. Aloe Vera is very helpful in treating skin problem caused by inflammation. All you need to do is cut an aloe Vera leaf and peel it. Now place this leaf on the affected area. This will provide the area with cooling effect and will help in removing redness of the skin. 6. Astralagus is a natural herb which is very helpful in giving strength to the immune system of the body. It is known to have anti-oxidant properties and prevents cell damage. 7. For skin irritation caused due to sweat and heat you can try roasting some flour in the oven until they turn brown. Now apply this roasted powder on the affected area. This will prevent skin irritation from spreading to other parts of the body and give instant relief. 8. In case of skin problem related to mosquito bites it is best to rub the affected area with ice and then applying coconut oil to it. Coconut oil is very helpful in giving soothing effect and helps in removing fungal and bacterial infection. 9. Quercin is an anti-histamine herb with anti-inflammatory properties which is very helpful in preventing the pain caused by the allergy. 10. Take some finely grounded sandalwood powder or poppy seeds and mix with lime juice to form a paste. Now apply this paste on the affected area. This will give you relief from the symptoms. These were some of the most popular home remedies for skin irritation which are simple, safe and cost-effective. Read about Home Remedies for Skin Irritation. Also know Home Remedies for Skin Rashes.

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