Tuesday 16 April 2013

Home Remedies For Stuffy Nose, Blocked Nose That Are Simple to Use and Safe

Inflammation of the nasal lining is known as blocked nose or stuffy nose. There are certain factors which can cause stuffy nose or blocked nose such as allergies, hay fever, sinus infection, stress, Viagra, cold air, spicy foods, deviated septum, vasomotor rhinitis and many more. Some of the common symptoms of stuffy nose or blocked nose are pain, nose bleeds, vision problems, redness, swelling, numbness, loosening of the teeth, blocked nose on one side only, changes in facial bone appearance and many more. Stuffy Nose, Blocked Nose Home Remedies There are several home remedies for nose blockage which are convenient to use and are quite safe to try at home without any risk of side effect. Some of the most popular home remedies for stuffy nose, blocked nose which are being used since a very long time and have proved to be quite effective in many cases are: 1. One of the simplest home remedies for blocked nose is to sleep with your head in elevated position. You can tuck couple of pillows under your head for this purpose. This will make it easy for you to breathe and will allow you to sleep properly. 2. Inhaling steam is considered to be one of the most efficient home remedies for blocked nose. All you have to do is boil some water and inhale its steam. This will promote drainage and will shrink swollen mucous membrane. 3. Grate some horseradish and mix little honey in it. Now place this mixture on your tongue and take long breath. This will help in giving relief from blocked nose. 4. Onions can also be used to treat stuffy nose. All you have to do is cut an onion and sniff it. This will help in drainage and unblocking of stuffy nasal membrane. 5. You can even try using cayenne pepper to treat stuffy nose. Just take a cup of boiling water and then add one fourth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in it. Now drink this tea sip by sip. This will give you immediate relief from the symptoms of stuffy nose. 6. Take some mustard oil and rub it all over your nose. Mustard oil has a pungent smell which causes the mucus to become loose and allows it to drain out. This is quite a simple remedy and can be used with ease. 7. Take some fresh menthol leaves and make them into a fine paste. Just before going to bed massage this paste beneath your nostrils. Next morning when you will wake up, the problem will be gone. 8. Consume hot and spicy chicken soup. The steam and spice of the soup will unblock your nose and will give you immediate relief. 9. Exercise can also be very beneficial for treating stuffy nose. It helps in increasing the blood circulation of body and shrinks the nasal membranes. 10. Avoid consumption of dairy products and heavy foods as they can make your condition worse. These are some of the most efficient home remedies for stuffy nose, blocked nose which are simple to use, cost-effective and convenient. Read about Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose. Also know Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening.

1 comment:

  1. I'm your newest follower! We are just getting over some coughs and colds. I find that eucalyptus oil works well. I diffuse it as well as put 4 drops of both a carrier oil ( I use sweet almond oil) and eucalyptus oil blended in my hands and rub on my children's chests, stuffy nose help
