Wednesday, 26 June 2013

How Do You Get Rid Of Internal Hemorrhoids Fast And Naturally?

Hemorrhoids, present in everyone, are cushions or masses of tissue inside the anal canal containing blood vessels and surrounded by supporting tissue made up of elastic muscle fibers. It is only when the hemorrhoid tissue masses swell due to venous congestion and stasis in the anal canal either due to chronic constipation, spicy food or allopathic drugs that they start causing problems with/without bleeding and are deemed as “hemorrhoids disease”. They vary in size from that of a tiny finger nail to that of a golf ball (in rare cases). Internal hemorrhoids often result in severe pain, more so during bowel movement and itching which can turn totally unbearable sometimes. These affect nearly 40% pregnant women while carrying the baby in the womb or after their pregnancy due to increased blood flow and straining pressure during childbirth.

Constipation and hard stools traumatize existing internal hemorrhoids. Softening your stools by increasing intake of dietary fiber found in grains, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables; drinking plenty of fluids and banishing sedentary lifestyle can help in the gradual shrinkage of hemorrhoids over an extended period of time. However fast a recovery you desire from “straining bowels syndrome”, excessive use of purgatives like Dulcolax, Milk of magnesia, Cremaffin weaken the power of intestines and cause white-coated tongue and frontal headache. If your constipation is chronic and stubborn you can try Arozyme capsules with water after meals for 4-5 weeks which help to regularize intestinal functions while curing dyspepsia and excessive gas, to put constipation behind you.

Ointments, gels, creams applied topically give temporary relief from itching and pain owing to local anesthetic effect, but on the hindsight, cause gastritis in most cases. Such systemic or local treatment hardly has any permanent cure for the patient. The removal of first degree internal, bleeding hemorrhoids through local surgical procedures (Hemorrhoidectomy) often cause pain, burning, soreness lasting for many days whereby patients have been given antibiotics post-operatively, which in turn lead to congestion of anal and rectal veins. Surgery even as the final therapeutic step to get rid of internal hemorrhoids fast depending on severity, in some cases, cannot guarantee a cure for rest of their life.

A more stable and holistic approach to get rid of internal hemorrhoids fast would be to fuel the will power of the person to control his type of food habits, have cool sugar cane juice to eradicate liver abnormalities, abstain from painful coitus which may cause physical irritation of the hemorrhoid and avoid rushing through defecation and try to make it a relaxed affair. Preferably drink cold unsweetened lemon water or plain water and food should not contain more than 50 gm of fat. Take cold hip bath for 10 min daily and regularly consume ‘Pilesgon Capsule’ which is a miracle treatment to get rid of internal hemorrhoids fast. ‘Pilesgon Capsule’ has been successfully used by thousands of people worldwide as the most effective natural alternative to get rid of internal hemorrhoids fast.

Pilesgon Capsule’ has the power to diminish your hemorrhoids through its magical herbs such as Berberis (Rasaunt), Mesua Ferrea (Nagkesar) which contain high amounts of anti-oxidants to rebuild and heal walls of affected veins; Sapindus Mukorossi (Ritha), Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki) are anti-inflammatory agents that also improve digestion; Acacia Catechu (Kttha), Wrightia Tinctoria (Indrajau), Extractum Bryophyllum Calycinum (Hemsagar) are good for rebuilding cells and improve the strength of blood vessels; Daemonorops draco Blume (Khun Shosha), Vernonia Anthelmintica (Kalijiri), Eupatorium Ayapana (Ayapana), Sodii Biboras (Shudh Takan) are popular astringents and antiseptics which promote symptom relief and promote total healing of internal hemorrhoids.

Read about Piles Herbal Treatment. Also know Herbal Treatment for Hemorrhoids, Bleeding Piles.

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