Monday 20 May 2013

Herbal Product To Stop Hair Fall And Premature Graying Of Hair

Voluminous, clean, bouncy, shiny crowning glory reiterates the youthful persona of a person. Nutritional deficiencies, exposure to chemical treatments, hormonal imbalance, hectic schedule, anxiety, ageing are all reflected in a loss of color (graying), texture or loss of hair itself. Ever wonder why even the best shampoos, conditioners, serums and hair masks can’t prevent hair loss and enable hair to grow or control the progression of premature graying of hair. Have you considered you could be taking the inadequate recourse to stop your hair problems? Now, you can put an end to thinning hair or alopecia, split ends, premature graying by eating right and using gentle, effective and safe herbal products such as Hylix Lotion developed by experts at Ayurveda Research Foundation, a renowned herbal healthcare solution provider distributing supplements in over 40 countries around the world.

It will take at least three months of continuous application of Hylix Lotion on your scalp with gentle circular movement (preferably overnight) followed by a rinse maybe with a mild herbal hair cleanser, to rebalance your body and achieve dark, shiny, lustrous hair and renewed growth. There may be way too many supplements in the market; however Hylix Lotion seems to be the right, 100% natural herbal product to stop hair fall and premature graying of hair. Hylix Lotion is an unmatched blend of powerful hair care secrets, for example:

1. Bhringraj (Wedelia Calendulacea): Makes hair roots stronger and helps fresh hair growth

2. Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica): Provides nutrients to make your hair long, thick and healthy. As per ayurveda, Amla treats vitiated Pitta dosha, accountable for hair loss and premature graying of the hair and is the world's oldest natural hair conditioner. Has cooling effect on the scalp and body

3. Shikakai (Acacia Concinna): Penetrates deep into hair roots providing essential nutrients to hair follicles for encouraging natural hair growth.

4. Henna / Mehndi (Lawsonia Inermis): Makes hair lively, promotes calmness, fights scalp infections, soothes headache, boosts hair re-growth

5. Azadirachta Indica (Neem): Relieves itchy and dry scalp, dandruff, symptoms of scalp psoriasis, and makes hair silky, shiny, stronger hair and encourage growth.

6. Kalonji (Nigella sativa): Prevents hair fall, promotes circulation to the scalp, cures indigestion and migraine

Pamper your hair with this wonderful herbal product to stop hair fall and premature graying of hair (Hylix Lotion).

Other herbal remedies to complement your herbal product to stop hair fall and premature graying of hair:

1. A chamomile infusion used as a final rinse helps relieve itchiness, which could become a source of hair loss. It is known to soothe the scalp, condition and stimulate hair growth

2. If you have dandruff, boil a mixture of 4-5 dried thyme sprigs in 2 cups of water for 10 min. Massage the cool mixture well into scalp and leave for half an hour before washing off

3. A rinse with sage tea not only helps darken grey hair but also gives hair body and luster

4. Ayurveda regards banana as nature’s way to perpetual youth. To reduce hair loss, mash a banana and beat an egg, a tsp of almond oil and a tsp of lemon juice into it. Massage into scalp and leave for an hour before washing off

5. Lavender oils massaged into the scalp draws blood to the scalp which reduces hair loss

6. Aloe Vera gel massaged onto the scalp restores the pH balance of the scalp which in turn, helps hair regrowth. It helps the hair to retain water and remain nourished (one quarter of each strand of hair is made up of water)

The best hair growth treatments are herbal supplements (applied to the scalp or taken internally) which have almost no side effects and boost cell production, repair and maintenance of the scalp’s oil-secreting glands; improve circulation and counteract the effects of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), the metabolite responsible for swelling of hair follicles resulting in eventual hair loss.

Food for your tresses

Hair is a fast growing tissue and it’s likely to make demands on your body. You need a mixture of protein(eggs, nuts, soya, whole grains, seeds, lean meat, dairy products), complex Carbohydrates (brown rice, oats, bajra, jowar, buckwheat), good fats(oily fish, seeds, olive and sunflower oils), vitamins and minerals(Vit A, C, E, Biotin, B Complex, Iron, Zinc) to boost hair vitality and re-growth, and maintain bouncy tresses. Biotin helps produce keratin which may prevent graying and Niacin helps in the production of melanin which gives hair its color (found in egg yolks, rice, liver, dairy, whole grains).

Read about Hair Fall Remedy, Scalp Nourishing Oil. Also know Herbal Treatment for Hair Loss, Dandruff.

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